lunes, 31 de marzo de 2008

XV Jornadas de Estudio de la Imagen: La copia, lo falso (y el original) - Fecha límite inscripción: 14 de abril, 2008

La Consejería de Cultura y Turismo de la Comunidad de Madrid ofrece un programa ponencias, debates y un Forum de 3 días de duración (jueves, 17 de abril - sábado, 19 de abril). Para más información (calendario de trabajo y boletín de inscripción): 91-7208277/91-7208359 (L-V: 10 - 14 h.),

Juan Muñoz Sculptures on view at Tate Modern, through April 27, 2008

According to "The Times On Line", a visit to the Tate Modern's exhibition of sculptures by Juan Muñoz is an entry into an imaginary world, into "the most frightening cocktail party you have been to... A room is filled with a milling crowd of identikit grey men. Each has the same laughing face; each looks so animate. And yet none responds to you. Read more about the artist and exhibition at:

domingo, 30 de marzo de 2008

What is No Door?

No Door - Artistic Communities - is a site where you can find out about:
- consultancy services for Spanish artists looking to better their opportunities to study, work and/or exhibit in the U.S.
- artist residency opportunities in Spain and the United States
- artist associations in Spain
- art fairs in Spain
- art competitions in Spain, including those opened to foreign artists
- grant opportunities for Spanish artists interested in studying abroad
- grant opportunities for foreign artists interested in studying in Spain
- Spanish artists exhibiting abroad
- Foreign artists exhibiting in Madrid
- Art dealing with borders and barriers