viernes, 29 de mayo de 2009

Vermont Studio Center, International Residency Fellowships Deadline: June 15, 2009

The Vermont Studio Center, located in Johnson, Vermont, is an international residency program open to all artists and writers. Year-round, VSC hosts 50 artists and writers per month, each of whom receives an individual studio, private room, and all meals.

Residencies last from 2-12 weeks and provide uninterrupted time to work, a community of creative peers, and a beautiful village setting in northern Vermont.

In addition, VSC's program includes a roster of Visiting Artists and Writers (2 painters, 2 sculptors and 2 writers per month) who offer slide talks/readings and individual studio visits/conferences.

For Application and guidelines:

Vermont Studio Center: /

domingo, 24 de mayo de 2009

Are you a member AVAM with studio or workplace in Madrid?

Then don't hesitate to compete for the "Desvelados" grant program offered by the Visual Artists Association of Madrid and sponsored by the Madrid City Government.

Deadline to join AVAM and/or apply: July 1, 2009

Selected artists/collectives (max. 5) will be visited on September 17th, 2009 by arts administrators and art critics (10-15 professionals) and their work may also be exhibited by the Madrid City Gov't as part of the "La Noche en Blanco" program (Sept. 2009)

Further info. and application procedures:

martes, 19 de mayo de 2009

Medialab Prado, Madrid IV Inclusiva-net Meeting, Call for Papers closes May 31, 2009

Medialab-Prado Madrid announced its 4th call for papers to be presented during the next edition of Inclusiva-net platform directed by Juan Martín Prada.

Application deadline: May 31, 2009

Inclusiva-net event dates: July 6-10, 2009

Focus: Analysis of “peer-to-peer” networks and network processes, highlighting the social potentials of cooperative systems and processes based on the structures and dynamics inherent to these types of networks.

Selected papers will be presented within a program that will also include invited lecturers and debates.

More info.:

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

Atlantic Center for the Arts, Fall Residency Deadline: May 23, 2009

The Atlantic Center for the Arts, located in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, brings together internationally-acclaimed artists from different disciplines with talented artists who are selected by the masters for residency periods of 3 weeks.

MASTER ARTISTS / Period: October 12 - November 1, 2009

Rineke Dijkstra, Duch photographer and video-artist

Antonya Nelson, American Fiction Author of 6 short story collections and three novels -

Elliot Shart, American composer, multi-instrumentalist and producer.

More information and application requirements:

martes, 12 de mayo de 2009

Madrid Procesos 2009, AVAM Production Grants, Reminder: Deadline closes May 16, 2009

AVAM, Association of Visual Artists of Madrid, offers four grants to artists interested in carrying out one or either of the following:

a) 2 artistic projects in MADRID - approx. 5 mo. period (June to October 2009).

Program addressed to: artists or collectives of any nationality and age.

Financial benefits: 9,000 euros (tax included)

b) 2 artistic projects in BERLIN in coordination with the Karl Hofer Society - approx. 5 mo. period (June - October 2009)

Program addressed to: Madrid-based artists of any nationality and age, possessing more than 7 years of professional experience as artists and in command of English and/or German.

Production period: 2 mos. (September - October, 2009)

Financial benefits: round trip travel and medical coverage; housing and workshop at the "Atelleratage Obersschönewelde", Berlin; 2,000 euros for local transportation, maintenance and materials; 1,200 as honorarium and to cover author's rights; mentorship by an internationally reknown artist residing in Berlin and exhibition of the gallery run by the Karl Hofer Socity.

For more information: