Duration: 9 months
Award: between 16.000 and 28,000 euros, depending upon the host country.
Deadline: May 7, 2010
For further information and on-line applications: http://www.fundacionmbotin.org
Art Consultancy - serving Spanish artists and organizations interested in participating in or promoting U.S. residency opportunities and foreign artists interested in residency and production opportunities in Spain. CONTACT: Claudia Costanzo, nodoor@telefonica.net
The Fellowship Award is geared towards supporting artists in completing specific projects or bodies of work that would benefit from Kala's specialized equipment.
Number of Kala Fellowships: 8
Financial provisions: 24-hour access to Kala’s Print Studio and Electronic Media Center.
Period: up to six months, and a culminating show in the Kala Gallery
Deadline: May 7, 2010 for fellowship program. No deadline fora residency program.
For further information and application procedures: www.kala.org