miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2008

2009 Casa Encendida Dancers-in-Residency Program, Madrid

This residency program is a joint venture between the Casa Encendida and the Estrella Casero Dance Department of the University of Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. It's aim is to promote creativity within the field of dance, offering studios and spaces for presentations. In this way, the program facilitates the creative development, interchange and debate between dancers and professionals in related fields.
Maximum duration: 6 weeks
Studio 1: 18 x 8 meters
Studio 2: 10 x 8 meters
Studio 3: 8 x 8 meters
Other facilities: sound equipment
Deadline: Dec. 15, 2008
Honorarium: 1500 € for full residency period.
Number of projects awarded per year: 8
Selection notification: January 16, 2009

More information and application form: http://lacasaencendida.es

Casa Encendida's Dancers-in-Residence perform in Madrid (Oct. 23-29, 2008)

In Transit 2008. Nine artistic processes developed during the Madrid's Casa Encendida Dancers-in-Residency program in conjunction with the Estrella Casero Dance Department, University of Alcalá de Henares.

All of the participants are young creators who span a range of contemporary expressions. Estela Llovés y Tania Arias explore personal and family identity; Óscar Villegas works with pseudo-autobiographical introspection; Georg Hobmeier addresses corporal limitations; Patricia Ruz reflects on families as creative meeting groups;Iker Gómez explores stage elements and water as means of expression; Alexandre Fernández reflects on human tension andthe frontiers between different social reality; Filipa Guimarães work results from a dialogue between real and virtual voices; Kim-lien Desault's is analytical of the performer, and together, Muriel Romero y Pablo Palacio, explore the links between sound and performance.

For schedule dates and places: casaencendida@cajamadrid.es

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2008

Experiment at Medialab-Prado, Madrid, on Fridays this fall

Madridlab-Prado invites you to their "Fridays OpenLab" where space will be dedicated to work, meeting and experiment. If your interested in developing or collaborating in projects, prototypes, and experiments with electronics, interactivity, sound devices, computer vision, etc. join in. Admission is free and no signing up required.

Double check dates at: http://medialab-prado.es/article/viernes_openlab2

martes, 23 de septiembre de 2008

Hangar, Barcelona - Call for Applications for Artists' Studios, Deadline: October 24, 2008

Duration studio space: up to 2 years
Number of studios: 4 measuring 3 of 30m2 & 1 of 60m2
Availability: from December 2008 and January 2009.

Hangar is a centre for arts production and research, set up by the Association of Visual Arts of Catalonia (AAVC) in 1997. It provides support facilities for artists and designers and offers services adapted to production needs associated with the arts world.

The centre is housed in refurbished industrial premises in the Poblenou neighbourhood of Barcelona. Its 1,800 m2 includes 15 individual studios, Medialab, 2 film sets, an equipment rental service,technicians and consultancy and advice on production. In addition to its international exchange programme, Hangar also offers production grants and a series of training workshops for artists.

The centre is subsidised mainly by the Catalan Government and Barcelona City Council, and is managed by the AAVC Foundation. Focused on production and research, its management model and philosophy make Hangar a unique venue in Spain in general and Barcelona in particular.

For application procedures and further information: http://www.hangar.org/drupal/?q=content/studio-rental

miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2008

Visualizar '08 - Medialab Prado, Madrid Int'l Call for Projects

Medialab Prado announces its open call for the presentation of theoretical works on data visualization focused on the city context. Max. 5 papers will be selected for VISUALIZAR'08: Database City Seminar (November 3 and 4, 2008), an open and participartory research project around theory, tools and strategies of information visualization.

Curator: José Luis de Vicente

Data Visualization: a transversal discipline which harnesses the immense power of visual communication in order to explain, in an understandable manner, the relationships of meaning, cause and dependency which can be found among the great abstract masses of information generated by scientific and social processes.

Urban environments, which are becoming increasingly dense, complex and diverse, are one of contemporary society’s largest "databases", daily generating volumes of information that require new methods of analysis and understanding.

For two weeks, lectures, presentations, and an intense project development programme will involve participants from all over the world in a collaborative process that will culminate in eight new proposals for the city.

Application deadline: October 5, 2008

For open call guidelines and application procedure: www.medialab-prado.es

jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2008

Arts Omi International Artists Residency, July 2009 Program

This 3-week residency program is addressed to visual artists and is located in upstate New York. It offers studio, living quarters and meals at no cost to the artist. Fellowships are available for travel and art materials.

Residency dates: June 28 - July 20, 2009

The Omi International Art Center is a non-profit foundation supported entirely by private donations.  Its facilities are set on 300 acres of rural farmland located approximately 2.5 hours north of NYC, in the historic Hudson River Valley.

Deadline for receipt of applications: Friday, December 19, 2008

More info:http://www.artomi.org/artomi.htm

miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2008

Artists in Residence Vallauris France, 2009 Program

Located in the heart of the old town of Vallauris, the association A.I.R. Vallauris (Artists in Residence) welcomes international artists to meet and collaborate with local artists and to research and create new work in an artistic laboratory created specifically for them.

Next residency deadline: closes Oct. 15, 2008

Seven 2009 residency periods:

Phase 1: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 to Friday February 20, 2009
Phase 2: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 to Friday April 10, 2009
Phase 3: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 to Friday June 5, 2009
Phase 4: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 to Friday July 10, 2009
Phase 5: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 to Friday August 14, 2009
Phase 6: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 to Friday October 23, 2009
Phase 7: Tuesday, November 03, 2009 to Friday December 11, 2009

Location: Vallauris, French Riviera, close to Nice (Museum Matisse
and Museum of Contemporary Art), Antibes, Cannes (Mailmaison),
Biot (National Museum Ferdinandt Leger) and St. Paul de Vence (Fondation Maeght)

More info: http://www.air-vallauris.com

Application forms: contact@air-vallauris.com

viernes, 1 de agosto de 2008

Akademie Schloss Solitude Residency Program, Stuttgart, Germany

This international residency program, located in Stuttgart, Germany , announces its grants for approx. 65 residency fellowships of 3-12 month duration for the time period 2009-2011.

Disciplines: architecture (architecture design, urban studies, landscape design),visual arts (including performance art and curatorial practice),performing arts (stage design, directing, dramaturgy, playwriting, dance, acting, musical theater, performance), design (visual communication, fashion, costume, product or furniture design),literature (theory/criticism, essay, poetry, fiction, translation),music/sound (sound installation, sound and music composition, sound and music performance) and video/film/new media (including video installation).

Applicants: persons up to 35 or who have completed a university or college degree within the past 5 years are welcome to apply. Currently enrolled university or college students (at the time of application) will not be considered for selection. 

Each fellowship recipient is granted EUR 1000,- per month, in addition to free lodging. 

Application deadline: October 31, 2008 (Postmark date)

More info.:http://bewerbung.akademie-solitude.de/

lunes, 21 de julio de 2008

Becas Ministerio de Cultura/Fulbright, 2009-2010

Objetivo: Becas de ampliación de estudios artísticos y de gestión cultural en EE.UU.

Plazo: cierra el 31 de julio, 2008

Disciplinas: Artes audiovisuales, artes escénicas, artes plásticas y visuales; música y musicología; museología y conservación del patrimonio; gestión cultural.

Requisitos: Nacionalidad española o de otro país de la Unión Europea; título de licenciado o doctor expedido por una universidad española o, excepcionalmente y sólo en el caso de algunas especialidades de creación artística, otros niveles de formación académica; excelente conocimiento del idioma inglés, hablado y escrito.

Período de disfrute: Entre el verano o el otoño de 2009 y el otoño de 2010.

Duración: De 6 a 12 meses. No renovable para un segundo período.

Dotación: Viaje de ida y vuelta y gastos varios, hasta un máximo de $2.600; asignación mensual de $1.700 a $2.000; matrícula, hasta un máximo de $28.500; seguro de enfermedad y accidente.

Más información: https://www.fulbright.es/book/view/329

lunes, 23 de junio de 2008

Becas del Ayuntamiento de Madrid para investigadores y artistas en lal Residencia de Estudiantes

Número de becas convocadas: 6

Plazo cierra: 30 de junio, 2008

Período de disfrute: 12 meses y puede ser prorrogado, en períodos equivalentes, hasta un máximo de dos veces, para las de creadores y artistas

Beneficiarios: Jóvenes hasta 35 años máximo en el momento de solicitud de la beca.

a) Poseer la nacionalidad española o de un país iberoamericano.
b) Haberse dedicado, al menos 2 años, a trabajos artísticos o de creación en los campos de la literatura, las artes plásticas, la música, las artes visuales o el teatro.

Más información:http://www.residencia.csic.es/bec/bec_frame1.htm
Más info.: 

Ayudas MAEC a creadores e investigadores para la movilidad en el exterior

Patrocinio: Ministerio de AA.EE. y de Cooperación se une a la tendencia actual de gran parte de las instituciones públicas y privadas de apoyo a la creación contemporánea y la ciencia con una convocatoria de ayudas para su presencia internacional.

Objectivo: facilitar la movilidad para la organización o participación en proyectos y eventos internacionales de creación artística y de la difusión de la artes en sus variados lenguajes y manifestaciones: artes visuales, escénicas, lírica, música, así como la arquitectura y el diseño.

Dirigidas a: creadores, investigadores y científicos y persiguen favorecer la difusión de las artes y la ciencia para fomentar las relaciones culturales entre España y otros países. Por otro lado, se pretende fomentar la presencia de científicos e investigadores en diversos ámbitos de sus especialidades.

Solicitantes: personas o entidades de derecho público o privado, españoles o de la Unión Europea, que vayan a participar en bienales, certámenes, festivales y congresos internacionales de reconocido prestigio o que estén colaborando en el desarrollo de iniciativas conjuntas con creadores y científicos de otras nacionalidades.

Plazo: cierra 30 de junio, 2008

Más información: Dirección General de Relaciones Culturales y Científicas
Subdirección General de Programas y Convenios Culturales y Científicos
Teléfono: +34.91.583.83.29 - Correo electrónico: ayudasmovilidad@aeci.es

domingo, 8 de junio de 2008

International Call for Audio/Video Projects - AVLAB 1.0

Medialab-Prado issues a call for individual or group projects on audio/video to be developed within the framework of the AVLAB 1.0 workshop (Sept. 17 - Oct. 1, 2008)

Fields: Sound art, live cinema, computer music, circuit bending, audio/video processing in real time, design of hardware-software applications specifically for audio/video, documentation and historical projects, and anthropological and sociological studies.

Medialab-Prado will cover lodging at a youth hostel in Madrid and flight expenses for the authors of the selected projects (maximum: 10)

Deadline: July 1, 2008

More information and call guidelines: http://medialab-prado.es/article/avlab_10

sábado, 7 de junio de 2008

Lower Manhattan Cultural Council - Swing Space Project-based residencies

Swing Space makes vacant spaces available to artists, arts groups, curators, and arts organizations for the development and presentation of new projects in the visual and performing arts.
Projects recommended by independent review panel will be considered for placement in a Swing Space from November 2008 through April 2009 for residencies lasting 2-4 months.
Deadline: July 3, 2008
More info. and complete application guidelines: http://lmcc.net/art/swingspace/overview/2008/apply.html

Reminder! Aperture Portfolio Prize, International Photography Competition closes July 11, 2008

Purpose of prize: to identify trends in contemporary photography and specific artists to help by bringing their work to a wider audience.

Addressed to: photographers whose work is fresh and that hasn’t been widely seen in major publications or exhibition venues.

First prize: $2,500. Winner and runners-up are featured on Aperture’s website for approx. 1 year and winners are also announced in the Aperture Foundation’s e-newsletter that reaches thousands of subscribers in the photography community.
Deadline: July 11, 2008

Sponsor: Canon

viernes, 6 de junio de 2008

XIV Foto CAM Prize, 2008

International photography competition sponsored by the Caja de Ahorros del Meditarráneo addressed to both amateur and professional photographers interested in submitting images in any of the following categories: 1. Landscape, 2. Flora, 3. Fauna, 4. Submarine photography, 5. Creative interpretations of nature, and 6. Human intervention in nature (negative or positive).

Thirteen prizes range from 500 to 6000 euros.

Application period: September 1 - 30, 2008

jueves, 5 de junio de 2008

2008 CAM Grants for Spanish Artists or Foreign Artists Residing in Spain

Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo grants for individual or group research projects in the arts (painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, video and digital techniques.

Program addressed to Spanish artists, and foreign artists residing in Spain, between the ages of 23 and 40 at the time of application.

Benefits: 14,000 - 24,000 euros, depending upon project and place of execution.

Award period: 12 months

Application period: November 17 - December 5, 2008

miércoles, 4 de junio de 2008

International Mobility Awards for Artists and Arts Administrators, 2008

Program: Addressed to artists and arts administrators whose activity is based in Madrid and whose interest lies in furthering artistic studies, research, or in the creation of an artistic project abroad.
Objective: Offer Madrid-based artists and arts administrators the opportunity to work and disseminate their activity abroad and thereby contribute to cultural exchanges with Madrid.

Awards: Maximum of 18,000 euros to cover travel, registration and tuition, maintenance and related costs for projects to be completed prior to December 31, 2008

Deadline: June 20, 2008

More info. and application forms available at: http://www.mataderomadrid.com/

Matadero Awards for Contemporary Creation, 2008

International call. Program promoting innovative artistic production (individual or group) addressing all realms of contemporary creation. Foundations and non-profit cultural associations with activity based in Madrid are also eligible to apply.
Projects must be carried out at Matadero or elsewhere in Madrid. Max. award per project: 20,000 euros.
Deadline: May 30, 2008
On-line application forms (to be completed in Spanish) available at: www.mataderomadrid.com/ayudas

jueves, 17 de abril de 2008

International Studio & Curatorial Program, East Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York

Visual artists are sponsored for periods of 3-12 months by governments, corporations, foundations, galleries or private patrons. 24-hour access private studios (300 to 400 sq. feet).

ISCP does not provide living accommodation, however nearly all sponsors provide the artist with a stipend for living expenses, travel and materials. There is no application form for ISCP and there is no deadline.

Guest Critic Series: During a one-year residency artists can take advantage of studio visits by at least 22 guest critics, an effective vehicle for introducing their work to NY museums, galleries and alternate spaces.

Upcoming Open Studio Weekend - View recent artworks and projects by the 27 participants from 20 countries in the residency program.

Dates: Saturday, May 10, 12 - 6pm / Sunday, May 11, 12 - 6pm / Monday, May 12, 2 - 8pm

viernes, 11 de abril de 2008

8 Wooloo Projects, Berlin, Germany. Open Competition Dates: April 30 - June 15, 2008

WOOLOO provides professional exhibition opportunities for artists around the world. It is an artists-run organization based in Berlin, Germany.
Purpose: to foster new and relevant opportunities for emerging artists. Collaborating with curators and art institutions around the world, Wooloo works to develop projects and exhibitions dealing with significant contemporary issues.

WOOLOO's network of recognized curators short-lists the best exhibitions created throughout the year. You'll also be presented with on-going opportunities in the form of gallery exhibitions and international residencies.

Learn more about WOOLOO projects and open an account at: http://www.wooloo.org/

jueves, 10 de abril de 2008

Four Hangar Grant Opportunities Abroad for Residents in Spain close on April 14, May 12 and May 19, 2009

Hangar’s grants program is open to artists residing in Spain and who would like to travel to centers abroad:
HOLLAND - Duende Grant, Rotterdam (Deadline April 14, 2008)
ITALY - Cittadellarte Grant, Biella (Deadline April 14, 2008)
KOREA - Ssamzie Space Grant, Seoul (Deadline: May 19, 2008)
MEXICO - Fonce-Cenart Grant, Mexico, D.F. (Deadline: May 12, 2008)

For more information about these grant opportunities: http://www.hangar.org/

martes, 8 de abril de 2008

IV Convocatoria de Becas Fundación Marcelino Botín para formación especializada en comisariado de exposiciones y gestión de museos. Cierra 9 de mayo

Becas: 2 becas para estudiar fuera de España con el fin de obtener una capacitación profesional en la teoría y técnicas sobre la gestión de museos y la organización de exposiciones.
Solicitantes: ser diplomado, licenciado o estudiante de postgrado, en Bellas Artes, Historia del Arte, Filosofía y Estética, Literatura, Humanidades o Crítica; o ser un profesional del Arte que, no cumpliendo los requisitos anteriores, pueda demostrar capacitación en el campo; poseer la nacionalidad española, o demostrar la residencia desde los cinco años anteriores a la solicitud; tener entre 23 y 40 años; dominar el idioma del país donde se encuentre el centro elegido; y contar con la aceptación por escrito del centro de formación elegido.
Bases y ficha de inscripción: www.fundacionmbotin.org

XVI Convocatoria Fundación Marcelino Botín - Becas de Artes Plásticas 2008-2009, Plazo: cierra 9 de mayo, 2008

Ayudas: para formación, investigación o proyectos personales que se cierran con la organización de la exposición Itinerarios y la edición de un catálogo.
Solicitantes: de cualquier nacionalidad, entre 23 y 40 años.
- sin cambio de residencia, 16.000 euros;
- con traslado a otro país, distinto al de su residencia actual, 24.000 euros;
y con traslado a Estados Unidos, 28.000 euros.
Estas ayudas comprenden viajes, alojamiento, manutención y alquiler de estudio. Se añadirán las tasas académicas del centro elegido para las becas de formación y el seguro médico siempre que haya desplazamiento. Bases e inscripción: http://www.fundacionmbotin.org/

lunes, 7 de abril de 2008

Lower Manhattan Cultural Council Open Studio Weekend, April 25 - 27, 2008

LMCC will open its 15,000-square-foot Tribeca studio space to the public during Open Studio Weekend

For required RSVP, connect to:

Lower Manhattan Cultural Council Artist Residency Program, Deadline May 15, 2008

LMCC's 2008-2009 Workspace Residency Location: 29th floor of 120 Broadway in the Financial District.

Program offers free studio space for 9 months, a small stipend and access to a community of peers and experts.

Workspace: Open to emerging and early-career professional artists working in all disciplines including Drawing, Painting, Photography, Sculpture, Film/Video, Installation/Mixed Media, Sound, Performance and New Media/Computer Arts.

How to apply: http://www.lmcc.net/art/residencies/workspace/2008/apply.html

viernes, 4 de abril de 2008

XXXV Bancaja Painting, Sculpture and Digital Art Prize, Entry Period Closes April 11, 2008

Open to artists of any nationality and place of residence. Entry period runs from 01/04 to 11/04/2008

More info.:


International Aperture Portfolio Prize, Entry Period Opens May 1, 2008

First prize is $2,500. The first-prize winner and runners-up will be featured on Aperture’s website (for approximately a year). Winners also will be announced in Aperture’s e-newsletter.

The entry period runs from May 1 through July 11, 2008. Submission guidelines can be found at:

jueves, 3 de abril de 2008

Study with one of 10 Great Photographers in Aranjuez, Madrid, June 2008

Participate in seminars, workshops and master classes that will take place June 16 to 27 in Aranjuez.

2008 instructors include: Jacqueline Hassink, Guillaume Herbaut, Ramón Mateos, Simon Norfold, Jaime Isaia, Paul Graham, Jody Bieber, Zavier Ribas, Karen Knorr, Nadav Kander and Hugo Rodríguez.

To reserve your place, connect to:

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2008

Madrid Procesos Call for Artistic Projects - Deadline: May 7, 2008

AVAM (Visual Artists Association of Madrid) announces its international competition for 8 artistic projects to be developed in Madrid during the second half of 2008.
For further information: www.avam.net

lunes, 31 de marzo de 2008

XV Jornadas de Estudio de la Imagen: La copia, lo falso (y el original) - Fecha límite inscripción: 14 de abril, 2008

La Consejería de Cultura y Turismo de la Comunidad de Madrid ofrece un programa ponencias, debates y un Forum de 3 días de duración (jueves, 17 de abril - sábado, 19 de abril). Para más información (calendario de trabajo y boletín de inscripción): 91-7208277/91-7208359 (L-V: 10 - 14 h.), http://www.madrid.org/

Juan Muñoz Sculptures on view at Tate Modern, through April 27, 2008

According to "The Times On Line", a visit to the Tate Modern's exhibition of sculptures by Juan Muñoz is an entry into an imaginary world, into "the most frightening cocktail party you have been to... A room is filled with a milling crowd of identikit grey men. Each has the same laughing face; each looks so animate. And yet none responds to you. Read more about the artist and exhibition at:

domingo, 30 de marzo de 2008

What is No Door?

No Door - Artistic Communities - is a site where you can find out about:
- consultancy services for Spanish artists looking to better their opportunities to study, work and/or exhibit in the U.S.
- artist residency opportunities in Spain and the United States
- artist associations in Spain
- art fairs in Spain
- art competitions in Spain, including those opened to foreign artists
- grant opportunities for Spanish artists interested in studying abroad
- grant opportunities for foreign artists interested in studying in Spain
- Spanish artists exhibiting abroad
- Foreign artists exhibiting in Madrid
- Art dealing with borders and barriers