miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2008

Visualizar '08 - Medialab Prado, Madrid Int'l Call for Projects

Medialab Prado announces its open call for the presentation of theoretical works on data visualization focused on the city context. Max. 5 papers will be selected for VISUALIZAR'08: Database City Seminar (November 3 and 4, 2008), an open and participartory research project around theory, tools and strategies of information visualization.

Curator: José Luis de Vicente

Data Visualization: a transversal discipline which harnesses the immense power of visual communication in order to explain, in an understandable manner, the relationships of meaning, cause and dependency which can be found among the great abstract masses of information generated by scientific and social processes.

Urban environments, which are becoming increasingly dense, complex and diverse, are one of contemporary society’s largest "databases", daily generating volumes of information that require new methods of analysis and understanding.

For two weeks, lectures, presentations, and an intense project development programme will involve participants from all over the world in a collaborative process that will culminate in eight new proposals for the city.

Application deadline: October 5, 2008

For open call guidelines and application procedure: www.medialab-prado.es

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