martes, 16 de junio de 2009

Lower Manhattan Cultural Council - Swing Space Project-Based Residencies

The Lower Manhattan Cultural Council announces its open call for applications for Swing Space Project-Based Residencies. Swing Space makes vacant spaces available to artists, art groups, curators, and arts organizations for the development and presentation of new projects in the visual and performing arts.

Placement: Projects recommended by LMCC's independent review panel will be considered for placement from Nov. 2009 through July 2010 for residencies lasting 2-4 months.

Application deadline: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 (5 p.m. (in-office deadline)

More information and complete application guidelines:

photo: HERE Energies & Shadows, a Swing Space project at 210 Front Street

1 comentario:

Jana dijo...

Floodwall had there event in this space, lighting sure makes it look good. The NY show was funded by the LMCC. Everyone excited here about the possibilities of going ot Spain,