lunes, 18 de enero de 2010

Fine Arts Work Center, Provincetown, Mass. Deadline: February 1, 2010

The Fine Arts Work Center offers a unique residency for writers and visual artists in the crucial early stages of their careers. Fellows have the opportunity to pursue their work independently in a diverse and supportive community. An historic fishing port, Provincetown is situated at the tip of Cape Cod in an area of spectacular natural beauty, surrounded by miles of dunes and National Seashore beaches.

Deadline for Visual Arts Fellowships: February 1, 2010

Location: Provincetown, Masssachusetts, an area with a long history as an arts colony

Fellowships: 7-month fellowships to 20 national and international fellows each year in the form of living/work space and a modest monthly stipend.

Dates: residencies run from October 1 through May 1.

Fellows are expected to live and work in Provincetown during the fellowship year. Optional group activities are organized both formally and informally and provide Fellows with the opportunity to meet program committee members, trustees and local artists and writers. The Stanley Kunitz Common Room is the site of frequent presentations by visiting artists and writers as well as readings by Writing Fellows. Visual Arts Fellows present shows in the Center's Hudson D. Walker Gallery. Visiting artists and writers engage in dialogue with the Fellows throughout the year. The Fine Arts Work Center also seeks to identify local and national venues for both Fellows and Former Fellows to share their work.

Facilities: Visual Arts Fellows are provided with apartments and separate working studios of approximately 400 square feet of floor space. Additional facilities include a basic woodshop, a print shop with etching press, and a darkroom with basic equipment. Writing Fellows are housed in two- to three-room apartments. The Stanley Kunitz Common Room is handicapped accessible, as are two living spaces and several working studios.

Eligibility: Fine Arts Work Center Fellowships are open to writers and visual artists in the emerging stages of their careers. Juries of professionals make the admissions decisions. Writers may apply in fiction and poetry. In the visual arts, 2D, 3D and time-based work is considered. The Fine Arts Work Center actively seeks applicants from diverse cultural backgrounds. The Fine Arts Work Center welcomes family members and partners of Writing and Visual Fellows during the Winter Fellowship Term.

More info. and application procedures:

apexart soliciting unsolicited exhibition proposals. Deadline March 15, 2010

Continuing apexart's annual Unsolicited Proposal Program, they will accept 600-word, idea-based proposals for evaluation by an international panel of apexart associates (curators, artists, writers, philosophers). Submissions are reviewed independently, anonymously and without visual support material—they are evaluated solely on the strength of the idea. No mountain too high, no river too deep!

Previous curatorial experience is in no way required, and will not factor into the selection process.

The two proposals with the highest ratings will be presented at apexart, New York in the 2010-11 season (September 2010 to July 2011). For those in or outside the field, this program is a unique opportunity to have a professionally mounted exhibition in New York City!

Applications are welcomed and encouraged from around the world.

Visit the apextart sitge for more information, guidelines, past winners and application (online only Feb. 15 - March 15, 2010):

Kala Art Institute, Berkeley, California. Deadline: January 31, 2010

Kala Art Institute's Artist-in-Residence program is addressed to artists working in various printmaking techniques, photo-processes, book arts and digital media including sound/video production,

Residency applications are accepted four times per year. The January 31, 2010 deadline is for 1-, 2-, or 3-month residencies starting June 2010.

Artists who apply for residency should be familiar with at least one of the media offered at Kala. Considerations for acceptance are conceptual creativity and technical knowledge. Kala encourages experimental uses of both traditional and new technologies, and their admixture.

Resident artists receive 24-hour access to the printmaking workshop and/or electronic media center; individual storage space; exhibition opportunities such as the Artists' Annual show in the Kala Gallery and possible exposure on Kala's website and in other exhibitions at Kala or outside exhibition spaces; and participation in a vital, international artistic community. Artists also receive a 20% discount on classes and private tutoring offered by Kala.

Please note that this is a studio residency only; housing is not included. Artists are responsible for finding their own housing.


These below-market rates are made possible through generous donations from foundations and individuals.

1) $225 per month – 1, 2, or 3 Month Contract - Part-Time

-- 3 days per week studio access

-- donation of one sample of work done at Kala

2) $365 per month – 1 Month Contract - Full-Time

-- 7 days per week studio access

-- donation of one sample of work done at Kala

3) $150 per month - 6 Month Contract - Part-Time

-- 3 days per week studio access

-- available only to artists-in-residence who have completed 3 months of residency

-- donation of one print to Kala's Archive per 6 month period; maximum two prints per year

For more information and application guidelines:

Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild, NY - Residency Application Deadline: March 1, 2010

Location: Catskill Mountains, one-and-a-half miles from the center of Woodstock, New York. Founded as an Arts & Crafts community in 1903, it has been a haven for visual artists, writers, crafts people, musicians and theater artists for more than a century.

Goal: to provide solitude in community and undisturbed time in which to concentrate on independent, creative work in company of follow artists. Professional recognition is helpful for admission, but is not essential.

Residency programs:

- one-month Artists-in-Residence (AIR) residencies in summer to writers, visual artists and composers
- Ceramics Residencies for one to five months, May through October.

2010 dates:

Session I: June 1-June 27, 2010
Session II: June 29-July 25, 2010
Session III: July 27- August 22, 2010
Session IV: August 24-September 19, 2010


The Bernard & Shirley Handel Playwright Fellowship

Established in 2007, encourages the creative development of playwrights by enabling them to set aside time to pursue their work in an unstructured atmosphere at the Byrdcliffe Art Colony in Woodstock, NY. The Fellowship annually provides a $500 stipend that includes tuition to the Summer Byrdcliffe Artist In Resident Program at the Villetta Inn. Playwrights, please indicate on application whether or not you'd like to be considered for the Handel Fellowship! Please note that this fellowship is for US citizens and citizens of US Territories only.

Byrdcliffe Master

The Pollock-Krasner Foundation has generously funded for a fourth year, a program for the Byrdcliffe Artists In Residence Program (AIR). All visual artists applying to the AIR program are eligible. Five will be selected by the jury for a 4-week FREE residency, plus a $1,100 stipend. This year the Byrdcliffe Master is Joan Snyder. Each Fellow will have accessto Joan for critiques, career opportunity discussions and to share insight and guidance during a 4-week residency.

Deadline: March 01, 2010
Application fee: $35

For more details and an application: or (845) 679-2079