martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Deadline: Sept. 15, 2010

The Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, located at Mt. San Angelo, a 12-acre estate in the foothills of Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains, about one hour south of Charlottesville. is a year-round community that provides a supportive environment for superior national and international visual artists, writers and composers of all economic and cultural backgrounds to pursue their creative work without distraction in a pastoral residential setting.

Sept. 15, 2010 deadline: for 4 week (average length) residencies between Feb. and May 2011.

Eligibility: U.S. and international artists

  • Visual arts: Book Arts, Ceramics/Clay Arts/Pottery, Drawing, Installation Arts, Mixed Media, Painting, Paper Arts, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture
  • Media arts: Electronic Arts, Film & Video, Multimedia, Sound Art, TV & Radio
  • Writing: Fiction, Journalism, Literary nonfiction, Playwriting, Poetry, Screenwriting, Translating
  • Performing arts: Composition/Music, Performance Art
  • Other: Interdisciplinary Arts, Conceptual Arts, Environmental Arts, Multimedia Arts, New Genres
Number of artists-in-residency: approx. 20 at a time.

Studios/special equipment

Photography (non-digital), Printmaking, Sculpture

Fellows at the VCCA work in their own private studio, located in a renovated Normandy style barn built in the 1930s. Eleven studios are dedicated for writers, nine for visual artists. The three studios for composers are equipped with pianos and one also has a Roland Electronic Keyboard. All studios are air-conditioned and heated.

The visual artists' studios are 500 to 700 square feet in size, with skylights, large northeast windows, and sinks, all on the ground floor. One studio is equipped with a Dickerson combination press. A sculptors' studio has 220-volt power and a loading dock. A darkroom with two enlargers for printing 35mm and 4x5 negatives is available for photographers.


Private housing (individual apartment/cabin/house)


Artists are accepted to the VCCA without regard for their ability to contribute financially to their residency. A contribution is requested, but not required.

For more info.:

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